Cal Poly Prepares for 25th Annual Open House on April 12-14


SAN LUIS OBISPO — Cal Poly’s 25th annual Open House invites prospective students and their supporters, current students, faculty and staff, alumni, and the San Luis Obispo community to join in Open House festivities Thursday through Saturday, April 12-14.

Open House celebrates the achievements of past and current Mustangs and provides prospective students the opportunity to take part in campus traditions and show off their school spirit as they prepare for their time at Cal Poly. 

Prospective students and their families visit the Campus Preview Night April 12 at Farmers Market in downtown San Luis Obispo.

Admitted Students’ Discovery Day on April 13 allows prospective students and their families to become acquainted with the students’ future academic careers. Students will be encouraged to start thinking about their course of study as they learn about their future curriculum, hear from college deans, and meet with faculty and current students. That evening, at Friday Nite Invite, prospective students can meet each other and catch a glimpse of Cal Poly’s fun campus culture.

The public is invited to campus April 14 as Cal Poly holds its Poly Royal Celebration, during which more than 200 student clubs and organizations will demonstrate the university’s Learn by Doing philosophy. Special events include the Poly Royal Parade, Kid’s Zone, live music at Dexter Stage, the Poly Royal Truck and Tractor Pull, the Poly Royal Rodeo, and the Cal Poly Alumni Beer and Wine Garden. 

Open House is intended to foster relationships with community members, local businesses, campus departments and student groups so that every prospective student will have access to these resources while attending Cal Poly. 

This year, the Open House Committee is hosting special festivities focusing on the 25th anniversary, inviting past committee members and current student committee supporters to celebrate 25 years of Open House. 

For a full schedule of events, arrival information and more, download the “Cal Poly Now” mobile app in the App Store and Google Play, and search for the guide “Open House.”

For more information about Cal Poly’s Open House weekend, go to:, or call New Student & Transition Programs at 805-756-2400.

Contact: Nate Alcorn
April 3, 2017

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