Welcome to the CAFES Advising Center
First year students: click here for academic advising!
Second-year students through seniors that are in their undergraduate studies: CAFES Advisors are here to support student success! We provide advising support via email, Zoom and in-person (Bldg. 74M-A). You may also email your Academic Advisor or CAFESadvising@calpoly.edu to set up an appointment.
We’re in-person and virtual!
We are open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to noon on Friday for general questions. Click here to wait in line for the next available drop-in advisor either virtually or in-person. Please do not select the "in-person" option until you physically arrive in the advising building(Bldg. 74M-A).
If you have questions or would like to request a one-on-one Zoom or in-person appointment, please email CafesAdvising@calpoly.edu and include:
- First and last name, EMPL ID, major, multiple options of days and times available, and advising topic(s).
Where to Find Us
Bldg. 74M-A