Vision 2020
The Pathway to the Future: The College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences’ Strategic Vision 2015-2020
In 2014 and 2015, the Cal Poly College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences crafted its vision for the future through a strategic planning process.
Vision 2015-2020 Strategic Planning Process
- New Dean Andrew J. Thulin initiated the development of a new vision for the college in September 2014. The process was led by a steering committee comprised of staff, faculty, students and external industry advisors. Throughout the process, input and guidance was sought from the college at large (see attached schedule).On September 16, CAFES' staff, faculty and students met for a full-day workshop to discuss external environmental factors that will impact the college over the next five to 10 years, as well as to articulate an envisioned future. The report of that session can be found here.
- On October 24, 2014, members from CAFES' various industry advisory councils met to discuss external environmental factors that will impact the college over the next five to 10 years, as well as to articulate an envisioned future. The report of that session can be found here. The synthesis of both these reports can be found here.
- On October 29 and 30, 2014, the steering committee comprised of staff, faculty, students and external industry advisors met to review the results of the earlier meetings and develop drafts of the CAFES core purpose, mission and core values. The result of that meeting is the Working Draft Plan for the college.
- On November 17,2014, an online survey was distributed to the CAFES community seeking input into the Working Draft Plan.
- On December 4, 2014, the strategic plan project team (a subset of the steering committee) met to discuss the results of the survey and generate a revised working draft of the CAFES strategic plan. The revised working draft plan can be found here; the survey report can be found here; and the survey comments can be found here.
- On January 22 and 23, 2015, the steering committee met to generate draft strategies and priorities based on the work to date. The revised working draft plan can be found here.
- On February 17, 2015, an online survey was distributed to the CAFES community seeking input on the Working Draft Plan.
- On March 10 and 11, 2015, the project team met to discuss the results of the survey and generate a revised working draft of the CAFES strategic plan. The revised working draft plan can be found here.
- In April, the core team worked to finalize the plan and communicate it to internal and external stakeholders
- In May, the college rolled out its completed Vision to all college stakeholders.