Cultivate Fall 2024

With classes in full swing and the campus once again bustling with students, I’m constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to serve this college as interim dean. The energy for learning that students bring every day and compassion and dedication from faculty and staff is unmatched.
A theme coursing through this issue of Cultivate is legacy. From the inspiring story of an alumnus winning his first medal in the Paris Paralympics, to students and faculty researching ways to ensure environmental sustainability, to the 10-year anniversary of the Cal Poly Strawberry Center, the work that is being done here at Cal Poly will have an impact for generations to come.
At the end of 2024 my appointment as interim dean will come to an end and I would be remiss not to take this opportunity to thank you all for your commitment to our college and student success. The contributions of our alumni, industry partners and campus community literally create a better world.
As the holiday season approaches, I am grateful for the friendships and partnerships built over my 30-year career at Cal Poly. The college community will forever be my home.
Wishing you all the best,
Interim Dean
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences