Cultivate Summer 2018

As another academic year comes to a close, I cannot help but pause for a moment to celebrate our many
successes. As another group of seniors dons caps and gowns and makes its way into the future, another freshman class prepares to begin its journey here with us. As parents you entrust your children to Cal Poly to provide the very best education available, and we take that to heart. As industry supporters, you partner with us knowing that the investment you make defi nes a successful future.
In the last two months we have enjoyed some great achievements. In May we celebrated the ground breaking of the Cal Poly Center for Wine and Viticulture that will provide generations of students with a world class facility and educational program. A multi-year fundraising effort
to achieve this has raised more than $14 million to date. That support is invaluable in moving the college into the future.
In June the new Oppenheimer Family Equine Center was unveiled — another project completely paid for by private donors. When Peter and Mary Beth Oppenheimer donated $20 million to Cal Poly, they pledged their support of our vision: to provide students with the best education and facilities for Learn by Doing that we can. The Oppenheimer Family Equine Center will benefi t students from across the university and provide a place for varying disciplines to connect and thrive.
This is Reality — you, working with us, to support tomorrow’s leaders.
Thank you for supporting Cal Poly. Public education is a partnership and we are fortunate to have you all working alongside us. There is still much work to be done. Together, we can do it.
Warmest regards,
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences