News and Notes – Cultivate Summer 2022

Students in the Quarter Horse Enterprise Project train Cal Poly-bred Quarter Horses in performance, general riding, and ranch work. The goal of the enterprise is to produce a versatile, quiet, and talented horse and a well-rounded, hard-working, and knowledgeable student trainer. Each spring, at the culmination of the project, the horses are sold at the Cal Poly Performance Horse Sale. The proceeds support equine educational programs. This year’s sale, held Saturday June 18, raised more than $380,000 for continued student success.


Stephanie Jung, professor and head of the Food Science and Nutrition Department, was elected to serve on the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Board of Directors. Jung’s role on the board will begin in September. The IFT is an international, non-profit scientific society of professionals engaged in food science, food technology, and related areas in academia, government and industry. It has more than 17,000 members from more than 95 countries and serves as a forum for food science professionals and technologists to collaborate, learn, and contribute all with the goal of inspiring and transforming collective scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of all people around the world.


Alumnus John Salmonson (Crop Science, ’67), an agricultural businessman and industry leader, was awarded an honorary doctorate of science during the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences commencement ceremony on June 11. Salmonson, owner of Monterey AgResources, has hired countless Cal Poly graduates and expanded the company to sell products worldwide. He has served in several leadership roles in state, national and international agriculture associations and has remained active at Cal Poly serving on the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council since 2001 and on the Cal Poly Foundation Board. He was named the college’s honored alumnus in 2011. Salmonson feels that his experience at Cal Poly gave him the confidence to be successful in running his company.


Agribusiness Professor Lynn Hamilton was awarded the 2022 Western Agricultural Economics Association’s (WAEA) Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award for professors with more than 10 years of experience. She was honored at the WAEA annual conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico in late June.


Calendar of Upcoming Events

  • Sept. 19, Fall Quarter Begins
  • Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Homecoming
  • Oct. 21-23, Mustang Family Weekend

    Visit Cultivate Summer 2022 to read more stories.

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